


4K电视:消费者GrapsingDaryl Malas



4K is a prominent buzzword in home entertainment and across the content industry.  No doubt that during the Sochi Olympics, you will see an advertisement somewhere for UHDTV or 4K TVs, and you might even consider if the Olympics will look even better on your very own 4K TV.  More and more 4K TVs are arriving at your local electronics store.  In some cases, you might also hear it called UHDTV.  In either case, this technology has been extensively researched and blogged about for the past few years, so what does it mean now?  How do we separate hype from reality?

First, the 4K TV dam has been breached.  Already we see many TV options appearing on electronics shelves with support for 4K, and we will see many more over the coming months and years.  In fact, by next Christmas, you may just find the "old" HD TVs on the clearance aisle towards the back of the store.  So, why are TV manufacturers so interested in selling these new 4K TVs?  Over the past 10 years, TV manufacturers have flooded the consumer marketplace with HDTVs.  Most people have at least one HDTV of some size in their home.  With the market flooded, consumers only start moving into a cycle of buying a new TV when their current one fails (every 5 – 8 years).  Of course, TV manufacturers are looking to sustain their revenues and profits.  This means they look for compelling reasons for consumers to accelerate their purchasing cycle: enter 4K.不幸4K并不像我们所期望的那样令人振奋。这里有几个问题:第一,消费者真的看不到4K的好处,因为屏幕大小和查看大多数消费者客厅距离问题。问题涉及到我们从任何对象移开时对细节感知能力问题。简单例子就是靠近轻纹墙问题近距离可以看到每个小桶并撞墙上。现在向后移10英尺并看能识别到多少小桶和小桶消费者有两种选择:1)购买真大屏幕(120或以上)或 2 将沙发移动到5或6英尺内65电视中。从视觉距离图中可以看到,用65电视,你不得不坐近6尺距离才能看到4K解析法的好处





4K电视灭亡,或像3D电视之类传奇4K有一些好消息。由于造4K电视比HDTV实费不高得多( <300+),消费者不需要像高溢价要求的那样看到强制差值。许多人可以期望支付低溢价并期望“未来验证”他们的电视。这将激励制造商继续转产4K4K卷最终将超过HDTV卷量,因此规模经济偏向4K和感知溢价将缩水并最终消失成本下降之外,正如我们在今年消费者电子显示时所看到的那样,电视制造商单靠4K分辨率并不会割裂它。怀着这个思想,他们正在引入新视频因子提高消费者体验。这些新视频因子包括10位对8位深度。该技术的好处将造色间更平滑转换,如下图所示:



电缆运营商正与内容提供商合作向消费者提供更高的框架速率,这将提高内容整体平滑性,特别是体育赛事。他们还正考虑如何提高动态范围,允许场景在光内容和暗内容(如阳光和影影)间有较大差异。Dolby Vision开发Dolby View提高动态范围,下文显示如下:



In addition to dynamic range, content providers and TV manufacturers are evaluating larger color spaces.  A color space defines the number and shades of colors available for producing and displaying content.  For a long time the industry has used the ITU REC.709 defined color space, which is less than our eyes can actually perceive.  This was necessary in part due to TV technology at the time of its creation.  Since then, TV technology has improved dramatically, and it is capable of displaying more colors.  This has been recently marketed as wide color gamut.  The industry is considering how to produce content and display it in more colors with the introduction of the ITU Rec.2020 specification, which greatly increases the number of colors as indicated in the following chart.


以上所有特征都极有可能上新4K电视机提供,并加之解析度提高,这将为消费者提供非常有说服力的经验。 在CES,我们看到许多电视厂商已经展示技术进步的变异性,电缆产业已经与娱乐行业合作,确保他们为提供内容以利用这些进取做好充分准备。

UHDTV正准备变得更刺激 和4K无关

