多数时企业视网络安全为产品线或企业操作的负担。 人们普遍接受安全是一个高风险领域,企业不能忽略,但许多管理者和商业领袖不视之为底线增值!成本类似于守规问题,然而,通过这种观点,领导者可能会错失良机远见执行官视网络安全为能通过自身业务受益的领域改善客户体验
网络安全事件影响客户时,通常会降低客户经验。 这可能以多种方式发生。 例如银行客户可能无法访问银行网站在线银行业务。 这是攻击美国银行的假设推理Izzad-Dinal-Qassam网络格斗iSP用户受感染家庭设备发送垃圾邮件,用于分布式拒绝服务攻击,窃取敏感客户信息,客户数据可成为绑定软件攻击的人质。最近的例子包括婴儿监视器隐私损失,这些监视器可以由室外陌生人查看和控制,DVR用于消除互联网上的主要服务
大发三快彩票官网下载This is not to say that ISPs should be primarily responsible for the cybersecurity security of their customers. ISPs have and will continue to play a role in protecting customers, but as a member of the larger Internet ecosystem. The proliferation of insecure Internet of Things (IoT) devices pollutes the Internet with malicious traffic in addition to risking theft of sensitive customer information. Addressing the problem requires the involvement of stakeholders from all across the ecosystem, not just one industry. CableLabs is helping lead the effort of improving the security of IoT devices through the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF). We are a声控强设备安全提高客户对设备 和网络生态的经验
The model starts at the bottom with isolated devices. It moves up to closed networks and then to basic security on open networks. This "Basic" layer is where most home computers have operated until recently. The "Trusted and Resilient" layer is where good cybersecurity principles are considered in the product design. The device or service is resilient to attacks, upgradable and most importantly, the user has long term trust in the product. Finally, at the "Optimal" top layer, designers of products incorporate strong security controls that provide a more ideal customer experience where the security controls become less intrusive through good design but still provide high levels of protection.
用户不必记住密码为主认证法。 设备中安装安全PKI证书可提供多项福利。 设备可自动连接到授权Wi-Fi接入点并适应加载需求。 设备伪化锐减或消除。 安全结束加密并互认证得到便利。 软件可使用加密下载自动升级,为终端用户设计产品使用智能默认
很快,消费者网和移动网将拥有数以万计连通设备。 不幸的是,由于新设备大量涌入,安全问题可能会在改善前恶化。 工作需要快速完成,不仅要减轻无安全设备造成的破坏性影响,还要大大改善这些设备的安全性。 智能设计和架构可以同时利用良好的安全实践并改进用户经验。